Discovery: Shopping on the Go
Updated on 6/12/23 11:51 AM

- What percentage of people purchase via their mobile devices?
- What device do people prefer to use when making an online purchase?
- How do people use their mobile phones while shopping in a physical store?
First, we sought to understand how many people would admit to shopping on their mobile phones. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority (76%) of people confirmed that they make purchases on their mobile device, leaving 24% who claim that they don’t.
When we asked which device is used most frequently for making purchases online, nearly half (49%) of respondents claim that their mobile device is the top choice. Desktops/laptops rank as the second most used device (43%) and tablets come in last (8%).
With mobile coming out as the top device used for online purchasing, how else is it involved offline? Do consumers still turn to their mobile devices even when they’re shopping in-store?
Looking at the results, we discovered that mobile is used throughout the purchasing process, not just when consumers are ready to buy. In fact, about 65% of survey respondents claim to use their mobile device to compare prices while shopping in-store. An additional 67% state that they use their device to search for promotions when shopping in-store.
Attitudes on mobile shopping and preferences when it comes to device usage can inform marketing strategies for brands. Understanding how and when mobile devices come into the buying journey can allow brands to increase their exposure and more effectively reach their target audience.
About the Study
The Mobile Shopping Survey was conducted in August 2019 and reached over 17,000 members of the DISQO audience.
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