Introducing Servant Leader of the Quarter: Jenna Papesh

Learn how people behind our cx platform foster growth and innovation
We believe in Servant Leadership at DISQO. What does this leadership approach mean to you?
One of the foundations of servant leadership is transparency. Great things happen when you are transparent with others and genuinely appreciate their feedback. This mutual relationship leads to open communication that fosters new ideas, challenges assumptions, and ultimately achieves better outcomes.
I always push my team to "be the expert in their role," challenge ideas or processes, and ideate and execute new and better strategies. This autonomy fosters trust and confidence, and empowers them to achieve their potential.
What’s one of your favorite or proudest DISQO leadership moments?
Over the past 2.5 years of joining DISQO, I have seen a momentous shift in our team operating model. We have unified goals that are channel-agnostic, allowing the team to work cohesively to drive results from a wide array of tactics versus operating in silos. This clarity opened valuable time for implementing strategies to find "wins" faster.
Sometimes our careers take unexpected turns. Were there any unexpected twists in your career journey and what lessons did you learn from those experiences?
I was fortunate enough to learn valuable lessons early on in my career. In 2008, I graduated from college and was impacted by the Great Recession. Instead of working on brand marketing, I found myself on a growth marketing career path. This unexpected shift and drive to stay successful in marketing opened up opportunities to grow my career by growing companies.
Along the way, I’ve had several excellent mentors who taught me the importance of influencing business success with both strategy and execution. Seeing impact propelled my motivation.
Today, in any meeting or presentation, I translate my work and others’ into business impact. When each person understands their impact, the team can speak the same language and inspire motivation to achieve outcomes.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a people leader at DISQO?
Servant leadership at DISQO is not a buzzword. The company embodies and appreciates servant leadership, making the culture a professional growth incubator. As such, I’ve seen members of my team and others achieve exciting outcomes, driving DISQO's upward trajectory.
We are all empowered to achieve great things to cross the finish line together.
When you’re not focused on DISQO, what might we find you doing?
Outside of work, I enjoy traveling with my husband, John O’Hara, and spending time with our dog, Finnegan, and our growing family.
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